IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home Student Membership

Student membership

Student membership is open to all current Students under the age of 30 who are interested in mine water related subjects. The membership includes the IMWA journal “Mine Water and the Environment” and newsletters.

Annual membership fee: EURO 35.00 (or $US equivalent)

Membership is for the calendar year, but you will receive all missing issues of our jounal latest March following your admission.

Due to IMWA’s security regulations application to membership currently cannot be applied by electronically. Please download an application form (Acrobat Reader) or write or e-mail to either the treasurer or the general secretary.

Last Updated on Monday, 11 April 2022 21:56  

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News Flash

Mine Water is the water that collects in both surface and underground mines. It comes from the inflow of rain or surface water and from groundwater seepage. During the active life of the mine, water is pumped out to keep the mine dry and to allow access to the ore body. Pumped water may be used in the extraction process, pumped to tailings impoundments, used for activities like dust control, or discharged as a waste. The water can be of the same quality as drinking water, or it can be very acidic and laden with high concentrations of potentially toxic elements.

(from UNEP/GRID-Arenda web site)