IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home FAQs Figures How would you like to get my figures?

How would you like to get my figures?

Please send ALL figures as separate files at final submission. Name your graphic files in the following way: yoursurname_fig_01, yoursurname_fig_02, yoursurname_fig_03, and so on. Upload them to our Editorial Manager Site. Don’t include them in your word document.

Last Updated on Friday, 12 November 2010 02:51  

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IWMA's members promote an integrated approach to mine water management, combining specialist expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, hydrogeology and water quality with geotechnical, environmental and mining skills. Our extensive experience in wet, arid and cold climates enables us to provide cost-effective, practical solutions for your project, and identify methods for more efficient utilisation of water in mining and mineral processing.

(from one of our member web sites)